West Suburban Irish
Annual Pub Crawl
August 22, 2024
Join us in experiencing 5 Irish Pubs in the area on Thursday August 22, 2024.
Why not purchase food at Quigley's before boarding the bus to the surrounding towns?
Remaining seats are Eight (8), 32 Registered. Secure your spot on the bus ASAP!
Fee: $45.00 Prepaid and nonrefundable.
Receive a Pub Crawl T-Shirt, sponsored by Your Radon Resource
Bus leaves at 5:30 pm from Quigley's and returns to Quigley's approximately 10:30 pm
Price Includes:
- Transportation on a Luxury Bus
- Official Pub Crawl Tee-Shirt
- 4 full size beers or Whiskey
- Snacks on the bus
- and a GREAT TIME!
Register by August 21, 2024, 5pm
WSI Pub Crawl - 8/22/2024