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About the West Suburban Irish

West Suburban Irish (WSI), Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization based in Naperville, IL whose mission is to cultivate a genuine appreciation and understanding of Irish heritage, culture, language, music, art, literature, and sports across the communities in the western suburbs of ChicagoOur motto, "Friendship, Fun, Service," embodies both Irish culture and our approach to achieving our mission.

For 30+ years, WSI has cultivated a genuine appreciation and understanding of Irish heritage by fostering a robust social network of members, volunteers, artists, and enthusiasts across our local communities. Guided by our WSI Boardwe've brought joy to thousands of people in the western suburbs of Chicago through our charitable giving efforts, parades and festivals, cultural events, and more.

How WSI Started

In 1993, Naperville resident Kevin Dolan envisioned a St. Patrick's Day Parade for Naperville, Illinois. With a small group of dedicated individuals, he organized the first parade, a modest four-block march from the VFW to Mill Street in downtown Naperville.

From that initial event, Kevin became the driving force behind the West Suburban Irish. What began as a small parade has since grown into a dynamic social and philanthropic organization hosting events throughout the year.

Thanks to the ongoing support of our members, local businesses, and the City of Naperville, WSI looks forward to growing and continuing this cherished tradition for years to come!

The first WSI St. Patrick's Day Parade, downtown Naperville 1993

Kevin Dolan (right) announcing during one of many Naperville St. Patrick's Day Parades.

Proud WSI families in the inaugural Parade, 1993

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About WSI

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Contact WSI 

West Suburban Irish, Inc.
PO Box 602
Naperville, IL 60566-0602
(630) 457-1943