Where is Naperville Irish Fest being held this year?
Central Park 104 E. Benton, Naperville IL 60540
What are the dates and times?
Friday, September 20th from 3 pm to 10 pm and Saturday, September 21st from 12 pm to 10 pm.
Do I need a ticket?
Yes. Adults and children 13+ need a ticket. Children 12 and under do not.

Can I leave the festival grounds and come back?
Yes. You can leave the grounds and come back, but if the grounds are at maximum capacity you will have to wait to re-enter.
Where do I park?
Free parking is available at several locations in Downtown Naperville. See the Parking Map for details.
How can I become a vendor?
Do you have a product that is related to Ireland? If so then contact Chris O’Hara at cohara104@gmail.com.
What about the weather?
Naperville Irish Fest is an outdoor event and is held rain or shine, except in the case that the festival may be delayed and/or canceled and the festival grounds may be evacuated if inclement or severe weather poses a threat to patron and staff safety. We encourage patrons to check the weather forecast and dress accordingly (e.g. in the event of rain, we advise ponchos and rain boots). No refunds or exchanges will be given as a result of weather conditions and no refunds or exchanges will be given for inclement or severe weather that necessitates an evacuation, delay or cancellation in part or whole of the event.
Can I pay with a credit card at the event?
Entry Fee - Cash or debit/credit
Beer Booth – Cash or Credit. ATMs will be available at the Fest.
Food Vendors – Some are cash only, some can charge cards. Plan accordingly.
Merchant Vendors – Some are cash only, some can charge cards. Plan accordingly.
Can I smoke or vape at Irish Fest?
No. Smoking or vaping is prohibited anywhere on the Irish Fest grounds.
Can I bring a backpack or a big purse?
Yes. All bags will be searched upon entering festival grounds.